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Launching in 2015, Impulse Group Dallas came together with a team dedicated to addressing the needs of their community. Since their start, Impulse Group Dallas has created some of the most memorable events, including their yearly pool party: DTF: Down to Float, and an advocacy based web series, “Chasing Tina” that has earned international acclaim.
Impulse Group Dallas is a group of socially active gay men, in collaboration with AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF), whose purpose is to promote healthier sexual lifestyles using modern social approaches. The group will accomplish it’s vision by starting the conversation of prevention and safer sex though social events, education and outreach in the Dallas gay community.

Launching in 2015, Impulse Group Dallas came together with a team dedicated to addressing the needs of their community. Since their start, Impulse Group Dallas has created some of the most memorable events, including their yearly pool party: DTF: Down to Float, and an advocacy based web series, “Chasing Tina” that has earned international acclaim.
Impulse Group Dallas is a group of socially active gay men, in collaboration with AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF), whose purpose is to promote healthier sexual lifestyles using modern social approaches. The group will accomplish it’s vision by starting the conversation of prevention and safer sex though social events, education and outreach in the Dallas gay community.

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